Visual affirmations


By becoming more aware of your personal appearance, you learn to develop the language of intuition. We meet all kinds of people in our lives and also discover that some have a very difficult time visualizing goals without emotions. By recognizing your characteristics and core energies you can learn to control feelings, emotions and desires. You can actually help yourself by portraying more warmth or emotions through colour, but also through your personal Style Mantra. Affirmations are very popular and effective in personal development therapies. Visual affirmations can be positive and they can affect you quickly. Your physical appearance is the aggregation of everything you do with your body; nutrition, sports, sex.

Your emotional aura is an amalgamation of all your feelings; from the past and present, but also your behavioral patterns, including your emotional actions.

What are affirmations:

Often they are positive texts that describe a desired situation until they impress your mind. This process encourages you to take action, to strive to activate a positive statement.  Knowing how to use affirmations will give you a great tool for achieving success and improving your life.

Most people repeat negative words and statements in their minds regarding the situations and events in their lives, and thus, they also create unwanted situations. Words can work both ways, to build or to destroy. It is how we use them that determines whether they bring you the good or the harmful results. Your subconscious accepts, as it were, what you keep saying to yourself. It attracts corresponding events and situations into your life. So why not opt for statements, to get more positive results.

How can you create a more positive self-image?

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the immaterial and achieves the impossible.

The invisible, the parts on your body that are beautiful.

The intangible and learning to appreciate what you have.

The impossible, to find out what your goals and dreams are and to align them with your behavior.

How do you usually feel?

Having a bad day doesn't help, of course, but a negative self-image can also be a result of a too busy modern life. Let's be honest; Everyone can use a boost from time to time. Accepting yourself as you are is the hardest thing there is. The most common is to make a comparison with others. Everyone has something they want to change. Waiting until those kilos are off, e.g. to do something new afterwards, does not really boost you to continue with a strict regimen. A chic jacket or new shoes can brighten you up and immediately create a more positive feeling. The better the person feels, the more likely it is to stay motivated and to implement positive changes. Creating a beautiful environment at home or in your workspace can generate warm feelings. Fresh flowers on your desk or table, beautiful pillows for the couch, putting on your favorite music while cooking, or drinking spring water from a nice wine glass! A wake-up; call from your Senses.

Why are there so many young people who have a negative self-image?

A negative self image is something that can happen to anyone, sometimes it can be;


Nobody wants me because….

I can't be who I am or want to be

Similarly, there can be many reasons in which you see yourself very differently than you really are. Influencing photos in magazines that have undergone a retouch make you think you could never shine so beautifully.

The Bright Side of Live. Teach yourself to look a little more through rose-colored glasses. Make your stories a little more creamy. Create positive affirmations that you can use. Not to contradict your truth, but to benefit from it.  Fashion; First of all think about your identity, aspirations and body shapes that together can form a trinity. Radiate who you are or would like to be. After that comes Fashion…

Advice: They are everywhere, but becoming happier from the inside is different. It is also the advice that we ourselves would like to pass on to our children and their children. Your appearance represents you as a person, it has to do with how you look at life. Anyone who wants to go through life more successfully and fulfilled needs more. Therefore, learn to love yourself with more satisfaction and without too much worry, regardless of your beauty, age, a size more… Learn to love what you wear; then you will wear what you love. Notice that if many clothes in your wardrobe are not worn, the texture may not feel right, or the color may not appeal to you, and it may not be part of your essential energies.

Teach yourself how to dress more gracefully.

Learn to distance yourself from negativity and focus on the end result. Learn to let go of what has expired by replacing it.  Treat your wardrobe as if it were your personal treasures. Dressing well starts with beautiful lingerie for women and comfortable underwear for men. Let your clothes circulate and learn to stay up-to-date. Learn to appreciate and enjoy compliments, but also to believe when others admire you.

Other important factors: Taking superfoods and resistance-enhancing herbs. The benefits of physical exercises, and meditation. How to ensure that you can eat healthier food despite your busy lifestyle. Stacking a wide variety of healthy lifestyle factors and healthy habits into your daily routine is one of the most important anti-aging secrets. It's time to explore your childhood potential! People with a positive image dare to be more authentic and to be more vulnerable. Grow more confidence in yourself by translating your intentions into your lifestyle. It can activate your subconscious and bring out creativity you didn't know existed. Visualizing and translating your intentions does require a lot of energy. What or who you radiate can greatly influence your life in a positive or negative way. A beautiful appearance even contributes to whether or not you have happiness in life. For example, one person always seems to come out of a job interview more positively, while the other seems to have more bad luck.

In fact, only 10% of our happiness is due to our external circumstances and a whopping 90% to our inner environment!

“I am one with the power that created me” LOUISE HAY

 See you again at my next Blog, xx Geraldine